Why You’re Here
I’ve spent decades dressing celebrities, CEOs, colleagues, friends and family. Read more about my day job styling C-suite execs and brand campaigns on my website (where you can also get in touch if you’d like to work one-on-one.)
Here, I’m sharing my take on what’s worth buying and why. While the title of the newsletter seems to suggest you need to buy something in order to hang out here, it’s really just a way for me to keep the edit narrow enough to not overwhelm you. You don’t need 72 options for comfy sandals, or you’d just go browse the internet yourself! Each week I do my best to weed out the extra and show you only the best in class, so you can leave the doom scrolling behind.
Subscribe and join me on my hunt for what’s good. I publish once a week, on Sundays. See you in your inbox!
What am I paying for?
The weekly newsletter takes days, weeks and sometimes months to research and produce - by yours truly, exclusively. Supporting the work allows me to focus on this work, which I love and hope you do to. While I strongly feel you should pay for all news you appreciate (there is a human on the other end, hopefully!), a paid subscription gets you more than just just the heartwarming knowledge that you are allowing this community to thrive. You also get subscriber only posts (one or two a month). Access to the comments section. And access to me! when you have a brooding question. *Note to all, I reply only to paid subscribers in the chats to ensure I have enough time to work on the next week’s edition!*
A paid subscription is $6/month or $60/year which as it turns out costs less than a tall cappuccino with one pump vanilla and regular milk on the Starbucks at 96th and Madison (by $2 whole dollars!).
NOTE: I use affiliate links when applicable which means I may get a small commission from things you buy, at no additional cost to you. Some brands and retailers utilize affiliate networks. Others do not. My recommendations will always be pure and product first. Thank you for supporting my work and trusting me with your time, shopping and style.
I’m so glad that you’re here.
Yours TRULY,