This past Monday I ran into Kate Young on the street. I’m sure she needs no introduction, one of the best stylists in the biz, and she had on the CUTEST shearling collar. Her otherwise understated black coat, black jeans, black bag all looked so polished and seasonal and fun thanks to the furry little number around her neck. I tell you, I couldn’t even help myself. I reached out and grabbed it. “Is this thing attached!?” I asked.
Delightfully for all of us, it was not. And so I instantly asked her who makes it and declared I would be copying her. And now everyone here will be too! So thank you Kate for this week’s theme.
It was delightful how extra but still subtle this collar looked on her. And it got me thinking about scarves, but not actually scarves…more like, non-scarf-scarves. What a fun way to add to our winter layers without feeling toooooo extra. I struggle with too much jewelry and too many accessories as you know, and I am not quirky enough for a weird hat. But a collar, I can do!!
Today, five ideas on how to jazz up your winter coats and sweaters and general streamlined layering clothes without feeling like you are one walking breathing accessory.
The Shearling Collar
Where we started. Where its going. All of the things! I have really enjoyed wearing her around this week. She is NOT as warm as a full shearling coat, duh. But she looks GREAT on wool. Oh, and there is a little hook that keeps her attached…you have to bend the wire down a little when you get her to keep it fastened. When it comes, it’s a little loose. I love that folded she fits in your bag so you won’t lose her at a restaurant.

The Beaded Collar
When I saw this Bode collar online, I wasn’t sure if it would read too hokey. So I took myself down to the store. And dear reader, I left with it (obviously.) Between this and the shearling, we have a tie for first place today. (No diss on the next three you’ll see, BUT…) It is so fun. It is the perfect size - not a shawl but also not so dinky it looks silly or (god forbid!) cheap. It has the gravitas to carry a coat but also is really pretty over a sweater. I would even do this backwards over an LBD for evening. It weirdly is quite versatile!?

The Gimmick
It was only a matter of time until someone grabbed onto the whole sweater as scarf thing and made it actually functional. I wanted to find this kind of cheesy and annoying, but turns out Tibi did an amazing job with this silly little scarf. The sleeves are extra long to wrap comfortably. The knit quite compact to lay flat and the drawstring hood adds a fun little bit of volume. I really like her!! No one is laughing harder than me.

The Old Timey Collar
Will this delicate lace collar, handmade in Poland by a small town artisan who is keeping their little community’s craft alive, keep you warm? Most certainly not. But does it make my plain black Theory coat Oh! So! Decadent!? A resounding yes. Adding an extremely girlish element to black can make the simplest silhouettes special. There is also something about the old-fashioned-ness of this one that makes me want to slow down and stand up a little straighter. Like it’s a very different embrace of femininity. This particular one says “sold out” but this is because they are handmade. I inquired and they claim to be working on a new batch. Email them to find out more if you are interested.

The Flower with Flair
You know how Hermes always says their silk scarves will keep you just as warm as a knit - the fabric holds so much heat near your body. I have to say, this little wrap around flower from Zimmermann gave me a lot more warmth than expected as I test drove it this week. They graciously lent me the sample for a road test (I can’t buy it all, after all!) and it put me in a great mood! Feels silly, but it’s true. The flower is floppy, so if you are to go this route, what I found works best is tying a bow underneath the flower to give it a little something to prop itself up on. There is plenty of length to do so, even when wrapped a couple times. Let me know what you think, or if you develop any other tricks.

And there you have it. Wishing you and your neck a cute as can be remainder of the holiday season. See you back here next week.
Yours TRULY,
Ooh, perfect timing! I was just eyeing these two from By Malene Birger:
but maybe prefer the one from Toteme. And the Zimmermann flower!! Love.
What an unexpected delight this was! Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be interested in a piece like this, and yet, here we are. Thank you, as always, for the lemony fresh perspective, Becky!