Ooh, perfect timing! I was just eyeing these two from By Malene Birger:



but maybe prefer the one from Toteme. And the Zimmermann flower!! Love.

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Those are cute too! I just love how the toteme overlaps.

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What an unexpected delight this was! Never in a million years would I have thought I’d be interested in a piece like this, and yet, here we are. Thank you, as always, for the lemony fresh perspective, Becky!

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This post is pure fun! I am the lucky owner of four fur collars and I know how they can give an outfit that little extra to make it interesting. Thank you Becky.

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Thank you Becky (and Kate). I have never hit a link so quickly! The toteme collar is just what I have been looking for without even knowing it! It reminds me of one my grandmother had, so a bonus. Not ashamed to copy.

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So cute!! Love the way it lays.

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The SHEARLING COLLAR THO! Also, was just hunting for an animal print coat after seeing one on Laura Reilly so… the MD one might be my perfect solution, thanks!

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Since you too live in a NYC apartment with a family….I must ask…how many winter coats do you own and where do you store them? I am hogging the coat closet in our apartment and feel like I am so coat deprived!!

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Coat storage is the bane of my existence. In a place like NYC where the coat is so often the outfit and there are so many climates throughout the year they are SOOO essential! But constant struggle, and argument with the husband about creeping into his territory. I rotate out the fall/spring coats and store them and then in the spring, puffy coats go to the basement which helps slightly. But I probably have like 16 coats, OMG to write it down it feels crazy. But of course, keep in mind getting dressed is basically what I do for a living and I'm a psycho about proportion being just so. Long winded answer of saying, I have an excessive amount and there is no room in the closet for visitors to come for dinner. :)

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LOL I feel your pain! My husband says the same thing as we have no entry hall closet so they are spread around in an effort to deflect the amount. Love your comment re psycho re proportion; now I am too!

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You do seem to have an inordinate amount of fabulous coats, which I am sure you need in NY. But where do you keep them all?

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They are JAMMED in. :)

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I have my grandmothers leopard collar thing and always feel guilty when I wear it… because I am animal lover

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Errgh but this is making me feel validated! I suffer from being cold often and thus have and love all manner of scarves and shawls for warmth and style. I am guessing some of these looks could be replicated on second hand sites.

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But it was your grandmothers, you aren't buying it new!

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Right but still….

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I ordered it! Will let you know how it is in person

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Hello Becky! Thank you for this one as it gives me ideas on how to add just one of my special, frilly, vintage pieces. I enjoy your pared down, masculine elegant styling notes. They help me keep my look more restrained.

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I have this and it’s great (and less pricey!). https://www.anthropologie.com/shop/apparis-rowen-faux-fur-scarf2

It actually buckles all the way closed (overlapped), not sure why they showed it this way. And it comes in brown (faux mink) too.

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What do we think about the darker version of the TOTEME shearling collar? Does it lose its sparkle or is it a more understated beauty?? Can’t decide. I have navy, black and 2 shades of red for wool coats.

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I LOVE the darker version: looks richer to me in pix! FWIW

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Sorry it’s off topic but do you prefer your Khaite bag in the 2nd pic over the Row banana bag? Thx :)!!

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I am so GLAD you asked this. A big point of contention in my house, because my husband bought me the Row banana bag for Hanukkah/Christmas last year and I returned it bc...I don't like it. So when I got this he was (not really, but jokingly) annoyed. And even my sister called me out on it, LOL. But let me tell you the differences: this one is SYMMETRICAL! I don't like the non-symmetry of the Row one. And I just like the buckles and the leather on this. What can I say, I'm specific. Thankful for you noticing so I can vindicate myself to my loved ones. HA!

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Thank you so much for the very helpful and SPECIFIC (haha) response!! Ok, I’m going to look into that Khaite bag, it’s gorgeous! Thank you Becky 💗

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