Feb 19, 2023Liked by Becky Malinsky

I enjoyed this post even though I don’t see myself venturing into sexy-boot territory again anytime soon. But totally feeling that need for a thing that makes me walk a bit taller and is not my usual style and bc of that is exactly right :)

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Revisiting as I prepare for autumn, Becky I think a great piece would be styling your skinnies without looking like an elder out of touch millennial (as your boots have achieved here - just a chic lady who happens to be in skinnies). Love what u do I will be re-upping my subs when the new credit card arrives

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Still pondering what kind of elevated boot to wear with wide leg pants…

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Ha those boots aren’t my style or taste either but really love all the ways you styled them!! ✨agreed on emotion-driven wildcards ;)

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Those boots are so uniquely awesome. Due to the pointed toe, would you go up .5 in size? I have wider feet.

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Hi Becky! How do you rate the quality of that uniqlo blazer?

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